"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). In just a few short months, everything has changed. Don't get me wrong, these changes are joyous-- changes that we have been anticipating for years now. Nonetheless, new seasons come with both challenges and blessings.
Logan began the police academy in February, and he is thriving. As a wife, I have no greater joy than to see my husband pursuing a career that he has a passion for and looks forward to waking up to every morning. He is a new man--waking up at the crack of dawn to get to work because he loves it so much--and staying late to soak in all he can to be the BEST he can be. He will be the absolute best police officer, and I am proud to call him mine! He will graduate from the 16-week academy on August 1... then he will enter into a three month orientation on the field. Currently he is in class Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. However, in August he will shift to a new schedule--a mixture of day, evening, and overnight 10-hour shifts as he is orienting to the force. In November, he will be placed on a squad and shift permanently.
One of the first things I'm usually asked when I tell people my husband is a cop is: "How do you feel about that?" Honestly it's not a difficult answer, and I think this little poem summarizes my feelings well. Of course I worry about him, but I also know that worry is temporary atheism. My responsibility is to be supportive of my husband, even when its not super comfortable. The Lord has granted me an incredible peace, and I know its partially because I can see he is exactly where God wants him to be! When I look into his eyes as he is telling me about saving children from a violent father in a domestic dispute or taking a drunk driver off the streets, his passion and calling is oh so evident! My trust in God's protecting hand is becoming greater every single day, and I know it will only continue to grow and be challenged.
In other news, I had the honor of graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing from College of the Ozarks in May! After four long, hard years, all my work has paid off. I celebrated among many friends and family at my nursing pinning & blessing ceremony on Saturday and then at graduation on Sunday. I also had a little reception hosted by Logan's family. It was quite the weekend!
A few of these pictures are proofs from the official photographer that I'm too cheap to buy... but you get the idea! The first photos below are from the pinning and blessing ceremony. I was pinned by Dr. Williams, the Director of Nursing at C of O. Then my hands were anointed or service by Dr. Chinn. Finally, I was given a nurse's Bible from the President of the College, Dr. Davis.
The next day was actual cap & gown graduation day!
My nursing class has been so close for the last four years. We were pretty proud of our "14 graduating in 2014" :)
My class's last prayer/group hug.
I will miss each and every one of them dearly, but thankfully most of them will be staying in the area, and I will be working with two of them at my new job!!
I accepted a position at Mercy Hospital in Springfield as an RN in the Cardiovascular/Surgical ICU and will begin orientation on June 16!! In the mean time, I had plenty of time to study for NCLEX, which is the test all nurses must take before the state gives us our licenses and we get the "RN" behind our names :) I took the test on June 2 and found out today that I passed!!!!! You can just call me Haylee Miller, BSN, RN :)
Through all of these crazy changes, the Lord is good. I am eager to adjust to a new norm-- no longer a student, beginning the career I have been working towards my whole life, and Logan adapting to the call of public service in law enforcement. I'm reminded how important it is to savor every season. No day will be the same as the next, and before I know it, entire seasons will have come and gone.
I cling to the promise that: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8), and I am confident that: "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory..." (Ephesians 3:20). Soli Deo Gloria!