Today is our eight-month anniversary. It is so awesome to see how far we have come since July. To all of my engaged friends (or friends who want to marry sometime in the future) is so worth the journey and has been a blast so far. We absolutely love living life together.
Okay so can you believe that March is here already?! February seemed to fly by....I didn't even have time to write a blog post. However, I'm finally intentionally creating an evening away from homework in which I am bound and determined to post an update!
As far as Logan goes......he has been busy working for the past month with his new job. He is officially trained now and his new truck is ready to go! He is loving the stability and autonomy that this new opportunity has brought to us.
My life has been extremely busy ever since February hit. BUT...I'm learning so much in nursing school!! We have had two "skills check-offs" so far. I passed both with flying colors. Basically, I've learned to take blood pressure, pulse, look inside ears and eyes, assess skin, hair, nails, lymph nodes, salivary glands, thyroid, trachea, and much more. In addition to that, I've been overwhelmed with the deadly Pathophysiology and a few annoying general education classes. I've been able to keep my head above water so far though so I'm hopeful for the rest of the semester. Only two weeks until Spring Break!!!!
A few highlights of February:
- Haylee's "Dean's List" Honor Banquet
- Little brother Ben broke his arm :( This is after he was in a wheelchair from November-January for a broken leg. Poor boy.
- Weekend in Tulsa Feb. 17-19
- We were able to spend some quality time with Logan's parents that Friday night. We ate at Rib Crib and saw "The Vow."
- We spent time with Tammy, Landon, and our sweet nieces on Saturday as we prepped for Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary party.
- We went to Molly and Derek's open house on Saturday night. Their home is so adorable! All the work they have put into it has paid off. It made me excited to have our own home one day :)
- We had breakfast and went to church with our good friends Ronnie and Kristyn McCulley who just happened to be in town visiting family at the same time!
- We celebrated Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary!
Below are a few pictures of our February :)
We kept Luke and Ben one Friday night so that my parents could go out. They look like trouble. |
We enjoyed Coney-I-Lander while in Tulsa :) |
My fabulous sister-in-law, Tamara, making the cake for the party!!!
Adorable burlap 50th anniversary sign! |
Finished product! |
The three daughters presented their parents with a memory book from the past 50 years- so precious! |
The three daughters (Lori, Lynette, and LeAnn) with Grandma and Grandpa |
Logan with sweet Lily (I think...)
In between classes, work, homework, etc... I didn't get to experiment too much with recipes. However, I did try a few and would like to share the highlights with you! Logan had been begging me to make meatballs since we've been married, and I finally got around to it :)
Sausage Meatballs with Oatmeal
The recipe can be found at:
Finally, our guilty pleasure was a yummy sweet and spicy bacon wrapped chicken (also found on pinterest)...Logan literally said it was one of the best foods he had ever tasted. Recipe can be found at:
Our yummy/guilty meal complete with my mom's old fashioned mashed potatoes, cheesy steamed broccoli, and sweet 'n spicy bacon chicken :)
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend! I'll hopefully be back sometime during Spring Break for another post!
Haylee |